W.A.L.T Preparing for our end of the year PAT and star tests.
HI guys today I will be talking about preparing for my test. So at the start of the year we did the same tests and we are doing them again, at the end of the year to see if we have improved. Lots of students are doing this as well form all around New Zealand.We have two tests PAT comprehension test and Star test.
I am feeling really confident. Nothing really to worry about i'm just gonna do the test and try my best. My goals are to improve my stanine by two. To achieve this goal I will take my time with each questioning, sit by myself and if I have time at the end of my test go back and reread if needed.
Well that all I have for you guys hoped you enjoyed. Also let me know down in the comment secession how your feeling about your tests, and maybe what your goals are.