
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Door Signs

Aim: My aim is to make a LED sign. 

Plastic colour: Clear


LED colour: Green

Outside shape: Circle


7-5-1 Purple Green Black 


USB Cable:

RED - Positive 5 volts

White & Green - Transfers Data

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Humanities Essay Planning


Breaches of HR Article 1 in text

Breaches mean to not have followed it or broken it.

  • Article 1- All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. they are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood - means no one is born different from others - cant be born into slavery and kept in a cage- you have access to basic human rights - food, water, shelter.

  • Martha - born into a religious cult, has basic rights but no personal freedom - Martha is treated like a slave by her parents.

  • abomination - born and kept in a cage not allowed outside has basic rights lost rights to education, love, freedom, socialisation. no cloths. 

  • Martha - Quote- no friends because righteous-

  • Martha - Quote - not allowed radio-

  • Jim - Quote - kid in the basement-

  • Jim - Quote - Can't see mum-


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Technology has changed the way we communicate

In the past 150 years, communication technology has changed hugely. From sending letters through mail to sending them through the internet, The advanced technology we have nowadays have made people's lives a lot easier.

Things like social media have changed interaction/communication a lot nowadays. Celebrities are all over social media like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and more, interacting with their fans. Celebrities use their platforms a lot to interact with them or keep them updated with their lives. 

With the coronavirus and everything happening in the world right now and people are not able to make it to school. Zoom is a meeting platform that has quickly been blowing up with new users such as students and workers. 

Thereforee you can clearly see that communication has made lives very easier.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

NZ Land March

For today we have been learning about the 1975 March and today we have made a map showing how far they walked. This task was very fun and easy to do. I think everything went well and that I done a great job.


Thursday, July 29, 2021



  • What are the traditional roles of men, women and children that are shown in this community? Milk, farm food, fruit,

  • At what age are members of Gloriavale expected to begin work? As soon as your old enough to hold a vacuum

  • What role does religion play in the lives of Gloriavale members? I think their religion kind of controls their lives in some way.

  • Do you think the people living in Gloriavale are happy? Why or why not. Properly no because they work for nothing, they don't get money. Also, you are not allowed to leave Gloriavle. Very strict rules.

  • Do you think the people in Gloriavale experience Human Rights? I think they don't because basically their whole lives are controlled by other people.

  • Would you be happy to live in a community like Gloriavale? Why or why not? No, because their very strict don't feel like I would have many human rights and also I feel that there wouldn't be much freedom

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Thursday, July 8, 2021

School should start at 10am

 School should start at 10am 

Teenager brains nowadays don't properly start till 10am. This causes them not to get as much learning as they should be getting. Also, this can cause students to feel weaker and not ready to learn. Proved by Studies, 15 per cent of NZ school kids are not attending school because they are too tired.

In the morning, kids aren't able to eat breakfast. With school starting at 8:30 kids have to wake up earlier just to have breakfast. This causes the kids to be moody and more Irritable. Academically, this can affect their learning.

If school started later, kids would be happier. They would have more time to get ready or eat breakfast. This would also encourage kids to attend school more regularly. This causes less stress for parents to wake up early and take kids to school.

Concluding my essay, I think people need to look more into this subject, and really think about what we could do or fix about this situation.